I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Good with: Other dogs
Not tested with: Kids, Cats

House trained: Mostly, with the occasional accident 

Energy level: Medium

Noise level: Quiet

Hi, I’m Sam!  That’s an acronym for 




I’d be the perfect addition to pretty much any family, let me tell you why! 

Let’s start with smart.  I already know tricks like sit, come, and off.  I learned the rules in my foster family’s house really fast, and I’m ready to do that again with my new forever family! I’m also super adaptable.  Even though I’m all about my people, I totally get that someone has to go to work to make treat money, so when my foster family heads into the office, I’m good with chilling in my crate until they come back.  

Moving on to affectionate: Some dogs thrive on treats, others live for walks, but me? I would gladly forego those things and much more if it meant I could have someone petting me while I stared deeply into their eyes.  My foster mom says I see human companionship the way a toddler sees Nutella: there's never enough for one sitting! I love my people so much, especially my human and doggy foster brothers!  I spend my days wrestling with them, napping, and getting as much attention as I can.  I’m super loyal and I love to cuddle! 

Finally, marvelous: There are just so many good things to say about me!  Some of my best personality features include getting along with all people and dogs, thinking the best part of my day is whatever is currently happening, celebrating every snack and treat I get, and just generally being an awesome puppy! 

I would be the perfect match for any human (and/or canine) looking for a playmate, a pal or someone to validate how great they are! Could that be you? 

My foster guardian says: "My favorite thing about Sam is how friendly, playful and genuine he is!”  

Likes: Long walks, dog parks, playing fetch, zoomies, and snow!

My ideal home: Anywhere with people who will give me pets! I’d do great in a home with another dog, but would also be happy getting all the attention for myself! 


  • Mix
  • Male
  • 10 Months OldMy DoB is 04/08/2024 (Estimated)
  • 41 - 50 Pounds
  • Black and White
  • Active and Playful
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • $ 450.00
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