I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Good with: Dogs

Not tested with: Cats, kids

House trained: Yes

Energy level: Medium

Noise level: Quiet/barks on occasion

Hi, I’m Jingle! I’m a happy, playful, goofy, well trained guy who’s always up for an adventure, but I also thrive on structured relaxation time. My tail never stops wagging—I’m just that joyful!

I’ve got my training down, and I know commands like sit, stay, off, heel, come, place, and leave it. I’m house trained and crate trained too, so I’m pretty easy to live with! I'm well mannered in public and love to go to markets, restaurants and stores! Pet stores are of course my favorite because of all of the smells and snacks.

My hobbies include sunbathing, fetch, riding in the car, sitting on laps and going on a sniffari's. But my favorite activity is swimming! When I go to the dog beach, my foster mom makes me wear a life jacket, but I don't think I need it because I'm that good!

I love people, especially when they give me lots of attention and affection. I will never turn down love! I get along well with other dogs, too—I’m friendly and enjoy playing with them.

My ideal forever home would be one that likes to be out and about and takes me places with them. I love exploring, people watching and getting my steps in. Also, a home that provides me with enrichment- I love kongs, puzzle toys and working for my food.

While my foster mom works, I spend most of my day in "place" or my crate. This helps me know it's time to relax and stay calm. I usually spend this time napping, and chewing on a bone or kong. After work is when the fun starts and we go on long walks, an adventure or to the park.

I’ll be your loyal and loving companion. If you’re looking for a fun, affectionate dog to join your family who will always make you laugh, I’m your guy!

My foster guardian says: “Jingle is the biggest sweetheart and looks for all the Love and Attention he can receive."

Likes: Fetch, water, attention, meal time

My ideal home: I'd love a family that provides me with structure so that I know when it's time to play versus when its time to relax!

Adoption Application: http://bit.ly/adoptrdr

Foster Applicationhttps://rdr.formstack.com/forms/foster_app

  • Retriever - Labrador
  • Male
  • 1 Year OldMy DoB is 02/25/2023 (Estimated)
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Black
  • High Energy
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • $ 450.00
Apply To Adopt Jingle
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