I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Roxyhas a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Good with: Dogs of a similar size, kids

Not good with: Cats, smaller animals

House trained: Yes

Energy level: Low to medium

Noise level: Medium

Hi there! I'm Roxy and I'm here to tell you a little bit about myself. First things first I absolutely adore walks! I'm what you might call a professional sniffer. Every leaf every blade of grass I just have to stop and take it all in. Treats are my weakness especially when they're spread on a lickimat with some yummy yogurt. Oh and chewy toys? Sign me up! I could spend hours chewing away. When I'm not exploring the great outdoors you can find me by the window keeping an eye on everything happening outside.

I'm a big fan of belly rubs and butt scratches. There's nothing quite like a good scratch behind the ears to make my day. But I do have a few dislikes. Sudden loud noises really startle me and I'm not a fan of cats or small dogs. They just seem to rile me up a bit.

In terms of training I've got the basics down like potty training but I could use some work on commands like 'sit' and 'stay'. I'm pretty good on a leash but those squirrels? They just seem too tempting sometimes. And I might get a bit excited around other dogs and people but I'm working on it!

I live well with other dogs in the home but can show resource guarding behavior around food. It's best that I eat in my crate or in a separate room and I need to be monitored around treats and bones.I have a low energy level so I'm more of a couch potato than a marathon runner. My ideal day includes a couple of nice walks and plenty of nap time. I don't need a yard but I do enjoy a good car ride.Overall I'm affectionate even-tempered and gentle. However I do have some separation anxiety so I prefer to be with someone most of the time. Another dog for company would be great too! If you're looking for a sweet companion who's always up for cuddles and sniffing adventures I just might be the perfect match for you.

My foster guardian says: "Roxy is the sweetest loving girl! She will spend most of the day snuggled up with you napping on the couch but is excited to get out on a few walks and smell all the smells. She is potty trained and was great around kids.”

Likes: Walks, sniffing, treats, lickmats, chewy toys/bones, belly rubs, butt scratches

Dislikes: Loud noises, cats, small dogs

My ideal home: Roxy would do well with someone working from home as she loves being with you. She needs a few good walks or dog park visits a day but otherwise would love to be a couch potato. She might do really well with another dog for company.

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